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At LUSH, we believe in protecting people, animals and the planet. We take our commitment to this seriously.


LUSH are are fantastic company who have such inspirational beliefs and prospects. I would highly recommend anyone to make sustainable changes to their toiletry routine by investing in LUSH and their products. You'll be supporting a lot more than you think. Check out their amazing Environmental Policy above and please read further to find out even more about why LUSH is the future.

Who are they?

Founded in 1995, LUSH is a cosmetic retailer who has always had the planet's interest at heart. As well as promoting sustainable practices such as eliminating packaging and using locally sourced raw ingredients for their products, they are also active in supporting an array of charities and make their voice heard in important campaigns. For example, LUSH run a Charity Pot scheme where the money used to purchase certain products is donated to charities who are working in areas of animal, environmental and human rights protection.
It is possible to still look and smell wonderful but in an ethical, justified and humane way. LUSH is the way forward.
Who are they?

What's so LUSH about them?

What's so LUSH about them?
When you don't need packaging, don't use it. In their words; we love it naked. When packaging cannot be eliminated completely, all materials used are recyclable, biodegradable and compostable where possible. This includes plastic tubs and bottles which are BPA-free and post consumer recycled i.e they have been produced from old products. All paper bags and paper wrapping is biodegradable and their packing tape is even eco friendly too!
Did you know?
If you collect five black pots and return them to any store, you will receive a free face mask!
LUSH only invest in suppliers who are respectful of workers rights and are supportive of animal and environmental protection. For example their Fairtrade shea butter supports 400 women in remote areas of Ghana, over 70 tonnes of their annually sourced fruit and veg is local and organic. Palm oil is also a big no no and is replaced by earth-friendly oils such as almond and olive. 50 tonnes of palm oil has been removed from their products in an effort to save the Orangutan and its fast disappearing Indonesian forests.
Did you know?
In 2017, LUSH's responsible buying from sustainable suppliers helped the planet to save over 300 trees, 500,000 litres of water and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 28,000 of CO2 equivalents!
To maximise efficiency, LUSH always try to create their products from the raw material level first before moving onto local factories. Produce is always sourced locally where possible and local markets are continuously supported. After monitoring and reporting their carbon emissions in 2011, LUSH launched an Air Travel and Carbon Tax Scheme which encourages efforts to produce low levels of carbon, whilst any money produced from the scheme is used to fund charities and climate change support groups. 
Did you know?
The source of the little plastic black pot supply has now moved from China to Poole UK, meaning the pots are manufactured one mile away from their contents, greatly reducing their carbon footprint!
Monitoring your energy use and impact is incredibly important and is one of the best ways to reduce your contribution to climate change. 100% of all electricity consumed by LUSH is replenished with renewable energy sources such as wind and hydro power. To this day, LUSH make a continual effort to optimise energy efficiency throughout product development from their supply chain through to the finished package!
Did you know?
In 2010, LUSH successfully reduced their overall energy consumption by 14% after taking on the Energy Challenge!
We're stuck with what water we've been given; 326 million cubic miles of the stuff. Sounds like a lot but this resource is incredibly precious and evermore people are finding it difficult to access fresh water supplies. Fresh water use at LUSH is constantly monitored throughout their factories, where for example, their linen service providers actually treat and reuse their own water on site, saving a substantial amount of both energy and water.
Did you know?
The lack of packaging at LUSH contributes to reduced water use where their solid shampoo bars save over 450,000 litres of water annually compared to the bottled stuff! 
No ingredients, no finished products and no suppliers test on animals. They want to show the world that you can bring to the market an array of safe and reliable products without ever harming an animal. And I say PREACH! As expressed in my Animal Testing section, exploiting any creature for cosmetic use is barbaric and completely unnecessary. LUSH have been active in their cruelty free campaigns since the early 90s and have greatly contributed to the EU ban of animal testing products and sales in 2013.
Animal Testing
Did you know?
LUSH offer an annual prize of £250,000 to passionate innovators who pitch anti-testing ideas in order to receive funding for appropriate training in scientific research and public awareness.

What can I buy?

What can I buy?
It's true! Anything you normally buy from your common retail store you can get at LUSH - except this time you'll be contributing positively to the planet.
Here is just a tiny sample of what you can get your hands on in store. Not sure what that ingredient is? Simply click on its link and you will find a very handy description by LUSH so you know exactly what you are using on your body.
Click on me and I'll take you on a LUSH adventure!
-  Safe synthetic ingredients
-  Natural ingredients
Shampoo and condtioner
Body wash
Bath bombs

£4.50 each

£3.75 each

Deodorants and fragrances

The Green Bean

Inspiring others to lead a greener life

by Emily Rampling

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