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Menstrual Care

Did you know that on average a woman will use around 11,000 feminine hygiene products in her lifetime? Just imagine the damage this is causing to the environment as these products cannot be reused and do not degrade easily. Not only that but increased exposure to chemicals used in the bleaching process of items such as tampons can put women at a higher risk of serious health problems. However your period can be safe, comfortable and eco-friendly...
You can own your period!
Alternatives to regular tampons and pads are becoming evermore popular with women now realising that the "time of the month" doesn't have to be difficult or scary. Please find below my suggested substitutes and why you should consider switching today.
Own Your Period
Trust me, it will benefit your body, your bank and your planet!


This product is by far my favourite for feminine hygiene and I have never looked back since switching around a year ago. To find out more about the Mooncup, feel free to watch my informative tutorial which includes some product background and cup folding demonstrations. Please also read below for any further details.

What is a Mooncup?

The Mooncup is a healthy and improved alternative to pads and tampons. The difference is you only need one! It's a great way to cut down on producing unnecessary waste, plus it's safe and easy to use. It works by sitting comfortably in the vagina where it creates a light vacuum, meaning your period is collected effectively. All you have to do is decide which size you need, find out your favourite folding technique for insertion, go about your everyday life and when you're ready, simply remove and empty the contents.
What is a Mooncup?

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?
Made of a soft medical grade silicone material, the Mooncup is easily malleable and sits comfortably inside you. This product is designed for the female body and will mould to every shape, ensuring you don't feel a thing! As the Mooncup is a collector, not an absorbent, you won't feel dried out or irritated like with a tampon.
The Mooncup holds 3x more blood than a regular tampon so don't be worried on those heavy days. The effective seal inside you also means there are no leaks so you can still go to that swimming lesson or for that bike ride.
The Mooncup material is hypoallergenic and does not contain any dyes, toxins, BPAs, bleaches or harmful chemicals that could irritate you or be damaging to your health. The risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome is also greatly reduced.
One Mooncup costs you just £19.99 and will last you at least 10 years. This means that after 6-8 months you will already be saving on feminine hygiene products. On average a woman will spend £1,400 on tampons in her lifetime - compare that to one or two Mooncups... there is no comparison!
Cost effective
When using this product, you're only disposing of blood rather than all that unnecessary packaging. A tampon or a pad will often be wrapped in several layers of plastic as well as being boxed up in cardboard. It feels pretty good knowing your period is helping the planet!
Environmentally friendly
No animal products or ingedients are used during the making of the Mooncup, and no animals are used in the testing process. This product has been approved by The Vegan Society since 2010 and so will fit in nicely with your vegetarian and vegan lifestyle!
100% vegan

How do I use it?

How do I use it?
1. Boil it
Pop your cup in a pan of boiling water for 5-7 minutes to sterilise it. Do this at the beginning and end of every menstrual cycle.
2. Wash your filthy hands
You don't want to put something gross up there do you?
3. Fold it
There are many ways you can fold your cup. Check out the video above for my top 5 folds! The diagrams here demonstrate the C fold. 
4. Insert it
Part your labia and begin to gently push the cup up into your vagina. This sits a lot lower than a tampon where the base of the cup is found at the vaginal entrance. You know it's inside properly when you feel a slight popping sensation - your cup is good to go!
5. Trim it (optional)
If you are finding the stem of the cup is a little long and rubbing on your underwear, simply trim a small amount off with a pair of scissors. Some women remove the entire stem and this is okay! Whatever is the best fit for you.
6. Remove it
It is advised you remove your Mooncup every 4-8 hours. When removing the cup, gently pull on the stem whilst pushing with your vaginal muscles. When you can feel the base of the cup, pinch it and this releases the vacuum. Once it's out, just pour the contents down the toilet and either wash with plain water or wipe with tissue paper (do not use soaps or perfumes here! Your vagina will not be happy and no one wants a sad vagina).
Finding removing the Mooncup too gross? It's about time you got in touch with your bodily functions!
Then just head back up to Step 3 to fold again and reinsert

I have questions

I have questions
I understand that changing such a personal routine can be daunting but honestly, it's nothing to be afraid of!
I am here to answer any of your questions. Click here which will take you to my contact page. Leave me your name, email and message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Also feel free to message me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube by clicking on the links below.
Check out the Mooncup website too where you will find all the menstrual information you have ever dreamed of!
No problem!
Good luck, and remember you can own your period!

The Green Bean

Inspiring others to lead a greener life

by Emily Rampling

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